Rocky Mountain high!

KAZOOMY!  It’s the Rocky Mountain National Park. . .there are elk, moose, deer, coyotes, hares, birds, tons of fresh air, snow banks, majestic peaks, wildflowers, ominous clouds, etc. and so on. . .what a joy to drive through this thing…what an honor to be here…what a privilege to have this opportunity to get HIGH in the Rocky Mountains–mmm, aaaahh!

All people from all places near and far will enjoy this park. . .if everyone on planet Earth could take a leisurely drive through Rocky Mountain National Park, then there would be less conflict and tension on the planet…if only.  How can we get everyone here?  How?  Any ideas?  Please share.

The mountains inspire the human spirit…the altitude cools the human mind…the breezes soothe  the human heart…and the flora and fauna remind us that we are all in this thing together.  Come on out here some time before you return to stardust. . .feel the good vibes. . .they are a part of you and you are a part of them. . .blah, blah, blah. . .this park ROCKS–jaaaa!

You see the altitude has me free-associating now while making little sense. . .this is ok, cuz very little makes much sense when you really break it down.  Enjoy.

To see more magical images from around planet Earth simply click on a location of your choice in the category menu on the ‘About’ page of this blog. . .dive on in. . .so much to see and soooo little time.

It’s lovely out there.

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