High and deep–

sc006a71f0sc002444b6KAPOW!  From the highest mountain on the planet–Everest, 29,029 feet above sea level. . .to one of the deepest places on the planet–Cayman Trench, 25,217 feet below sea level. . .I send you all adventurous vibes of glory and joy. . .feel them. . .they are comforting.

I also send out good vibes to all who may be thinking about blowing anything up at the moment, I request that you simply breathe and feel the wonderfulness of this little planet that we inhabit amidst the 14 billion light year vastness of the universe.  This is all we have, and it is good.  Feel it.  It. . .is. . .good.  Global travel alerts are bad. . .please, chill out, have a cup of tea and reconsider. . .feel the good vibes that I am sending to you right NOW. . .they go out to all who feel it is necessary to destroy something. . .this is not necessary.  Everyone join me in sending out easygoing vibes to all who feel the need to destroy.  Thank you.

I encourage you, my dear readers, to explore more images and thoughts in this blog by visiting the ‘About’ page and simply clicking on any destination in the ‘categories’ menu. . .SHAZAM!–you will be transported to some place interesting, and you may learn a thing or three.  Happy exploring. . .and safe traveling.

It’s lovely out there.


sc002444b6 sc00244f3fBOOM!  Here I am doing the SCUBA thing in the Cayman Trench, just off the coast of Little Cayman. . .one of the three Cayman Islands. . .Big Cayman and Cayman Brac being the other two.  The Cayman Trench is thousands of feet deep, and when I dive in it I feel like I am floating in space. . .you can look out away from the wall of the Trench and see nothing but blue leading into. . .who knows what.

SCUBA diving is a fascinating thing to do.  Breathing under water feels like a magic trick. . .”hey, no air around me or up my sleeve, but, voila, I am breathing. . .from air on my back!”  It’s a dream-like sensation. . .the bubbles come out–I feel them brushing the side of my head. . .and I flap along looking for stuff to see–doh-dee-yo-doh-doh. . .

Mountaineers love to get high. . .divers love to go deep. . .I love to do both.  Mmmm. . .aaaahh.  I am honored to send you deep, deep vibes from the Cayman Trench. . .feel them. . .they are other-worldly.

It’s lovely out there.

Cayman Islands–

sc00904eb6sc00904371Remember this if you ever visit the Cayman Islands–the iguanas have the right-of-way on all roads.  This is particularly important to remember here on Little Cayman, where I am scuba diving, because iguanas are everywhere, and they are huge. . .easily as large as the ones depicted on these street signs.  I love iguanas.

The only thing to do down here is scuba dive.  The Cayman Trench is just to the north of these islands, and it is amazing.  The water is 18 feet deep or so, your swimming about, and then POW! it’s a shear drop off of thousands of feet under the sea.  This is where ‘wall’ diving takes place as you float in the middle of what feels like nothingness.  Just the sea and a wall that goes straight down thousands of feet. . .amazing.  I love wall diving in the Caymans.

I send you sea vibes from the Cayman Islands. . .feel them. . .they are vast. . .and mind the iguanas, please.

It’s lovely out there.