Golden lockdown victuals–

KABOOMY!  Be sure to keep eating and sipping well during the ongoing lockdown situation. . .remember: garbage in/garbage out…better to aim for nutrition in/energy out–jaaaa!!

Salmon fillets are easy to cook on the stove top: hot skillet with olive oil, 5 minutes skin side down, 2 minutes flesh side down…drizzle with fresh-chopped scallion, ginger, cilantro and hot oil from the pan…or just plop on the plate and drizzle with fresh lemon juice and a bit of fresh ground black pepper. . .mmmm, aaaah!

Don’t forget to wash these babies down with a tasty wine of your choice…we are currently enjoying Barton & Guestier (B & G) rose. . .nice…real niiiiice.

Yes, this lockdown thing is a drag…and yes, we got this.  Just keep good food and drink flowing through your body, and the next thing we know it will be the summer of 2021 when we will all look back on this and say, “that sucked, but we made the best of it and continued to move upward and onward–blaaaaahh!”

I send you all salmon and rose vibes…feel them…they are good for your heart and your spirit.

It’s lovely and delicious out there.

NYC lockdown, baby!

HEEEEEY!  Maintain your nerve, keep wearing your masks…we are almost at the finish line–jaaaaaa!

Dozens of companies are working hard to develop safe and effective vaccines for folks on the entire planet…they will get it done, without a doubt…we all just gotta remain chill, maintain social distance, keep our noses and mouths and eyes covered when out-n-about, and before we know it this thing will be done. . .another chapter that we look back on and say “wow, nature really is in charge here, and we are just along for the ride…as long or as short as it may be–WOWEEWOWOW!”

You stop at ‘Stop’ signs, you drive on the right side of the road, you use your turn signal, you wear a helmet on your motorcycle, you take off your shoes at the airport, you wear shoes and shirts to enter places of business, you wear a seatbelt, you open your bag for inspection when entering the ballpark, etc. and so on. . .you can wear a mask as well for a little while longer…eezy-peezy.

We send you relaxing and quiet vibes from some street corner in the borough of Manhattan in beauteous New York Citaaaaay. . .feel them. . .they are strange and character-building.

This, too, shall pass.

It’s lovely out there, still.

The new LaGuardia ROCKS!

WOW!  They just opened one of the new terminals out here at LaGuardia Airport in beauteous New York Citaaaaaay…and this baby ROCKS!  It does…it really does.

The new terminal is large and spacious and shiny and clean and crisp and full of wonderful little shops and cafes and markets and restaurants and hand sanitizer EVERYWHERE. . .it’s an absolute joy to walk through this thing while waiting to depart…and equally nice to arrive and be welcomed by all of this airiness and room to maneuver.

This thing is especially good for our current pandemic situation: lots of room for social distancing…just wear your mask, wash your hands often, and do your best to not touch anything–mmmmm, aaaaahh!

So, do know that if you need to travel the new terminal at LaGuardia is ready to serve you and keep you safe. . .check it out now or after the vaccines arrive…you will love it, I gar-ron-taaaaaayyy!

It’s lovely and strange out there.