August: chill time–

MM-HHMMMM!  The animals know what to do when things get hot and steamy: just find a spot to sit and relax and breathe a little. . .that’s all we gotta do right now.

The iguana perches on the back of a chair and says, “aaahhhhh.”

The black bird or crow or whatever this dude is perches on a balcony post and says, “mmmmm.”

The human perches on a cushy chair and says, “cheers!”

We are all gonna get through this global pandemic just fine, methinks.  Keep wearing your masks, washing your hands, and social distancing. . .the clinical researchers of the world are working on creating a vaccine…multiple vaccines will probably come out of this work…all we gotta do is chill–it’ll all be better before you know it.

We send you soothing and relaxing and uplifting vibes from coastal North America…feel them…they are good for your well-being.

It’s still lovely out there.