NATO troops in Ukraine…

sc000a7dde sc000ac7ab sc000add7a…feels like a dangerous slippery slope to me.  I know that lines have to be drawn to maintain “order” and “stability” on our planet because it is a competitive world of limited space and resources. . .this is a big part of reality, and you know what?. . .reality bites some times.  Competition–blah!  Cooperation, collaboration, and understanding–mmm, aaaahh!–if only these were the main drivers of human behavior. . .if only.

I send sculptural and big-slide vibes to all of the forces amassing on the Ukraine-Russia border. . .feel them. . .they are the best I got for ya.

To see more fascinating images of and read more amazing thoughts on the world around us simply click on a location of your choice in the category menu on the ‘About’ page of this blog. . .do it. . .a lot to see here and soooo little time.

It’s lovely out there.


sc000ae806 sc000afbb6Lots of people here in Oslo dress in the colors of the Norwegian flag. . .fascinating.  No different, really, from Yanks running around at street fairs wearing American flag do-rags.  We are different. . .and the same.  I love that we are all sooooo much the same.

Look at that guy flying through the sky.  Wow!  Take a few jumps then go have Sunday brunch. . .niiiice.  I love Norwegians.

It’s lovely out there.


sc000ad3a4 sc000add7aPOW!  It’s Oslo, baby.  What do residents of the capital of Norway like to do on a sunny Sunday afternoon?  Ski jump, of course.  The Holmenkollen Ski Jump in Oslo is a national landmark.  Norwegians come from all over to spend time here picnicking while young fellows jump their hearts out on this huge jumping ramp.  Wow, I love watching ski jumping in Oslo.

Oslo dates back to 1000 c.e.  So the Norwegians have over one thousand years of history to relish. . .vikings, fjords, lots of oil in the ground, super-strong people (Roald Amundsen, the first guy to visit the south pole, was Norwegian), and an independent spirit (they have not joined the E.U.) these folks have a lot to feel good about.  Now, if it just wasn’t so cold most of the time. . .

. . .I love Oslo.  Feel the good vibes I am sending to you from here. . .they are intrepid.

It’s lovely out there.