Le Dome…Le WOW!–

Tasty start.
This’ll do.
Bouillabaisse bonanza.
Mille feuille magic.
We shall return.

WOW! We love gobbling fruits of the sea, and Le Dome in the Montparnasse section of Paris delivers the goods…let’s check it out.

As soon as we are seated in the magnificent dining area we are welcomed with a tasty fish dip snack on a lovely piece of lettuce–mmm, aaaahh!

Then we get busy with champagne…slurrrrrp…

…then we order up the grand Dome plateau…MAJOR GOBBLE…

…then we do the bouillabaisse…INHALE…

…then we do a slice of the mille feuille…airy and delectable.

All of this is washed down with a lovely bottle of pouilly fuisse…good choice!

Le Dome is a classic seafood brasserie joint in the same vicinity as The Dingo, La Coupole, La Rotonde, etc….all places that were frequented by F. Scott, Hemingway, Picasso, etc. and so on way back in the days of classic writers and artists traipsing about town here, there and everywhere having the time of their lives.

We are honored by the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of so many folks before us who have lunched and dined sipping beverages and ingesting tasty grub while doing their best to enjoy the passage of time.

These places are still great…Montparnasse is a fabulous neighborhood…get on over here whenever you can and soak it all up. . .time is short, gotta enjoy everything NOW.

I send you nutritious vibes from Le Dome and its immediate environs…feel them…they will help you grow big and strong.

It’s lovely out there.

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