Notre Dame is gonna be fine–

POW!  Yes, the fire at Notre Dame took out the roof and many of the interior bits of furniture, wall hangings, trinkets, and other items. . .but the really valuable stuff like the organ, the Rose Window, other stained glass windows, and many precious paintings and statues are safe and will be returned to wonderful working order over the coming years.

Fortunately the walls did not collapse, and the bell towers remained intact and standing as well.  The roof will be rebuilt, the organ will be cleaned up, the entire interior will be restored to its past magnificence, and Notre Dame will remain on planet Earth for another 850 years, if not longer…as long as humans don’t incinerate the third rock from the sun, which, sadly, always remains a possibility.  Though the way things are going, this incineration may just happen all by itself or by a meteor strike or a black hole sucking up our blue dot or something that none of us can imagine…sante!

In any case, all is good for now. . .so please come to Paris, see the sights, enjoy yourself, eat some good food, drink some wonderful wine, and keep doing your best to enjoy what little time we have here.

It’s lovely and ok out there.

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