Ham, sausage, tomatoes…mmm!

IMG_0029 IMG_0037 IMG_0045 IMG_0038Here in Bologna, Italy the prosciutto comes directly from Parma, the sausage is made EVERYWHERE it seems, and the tomatoes taste like droplets of magical vegetable/fruit candy from gardens of amazingness. . .mmmm, aaaaahh!  We want to keep eating this stuff until we return to stardust. . .and we want to wash it all down with endless bottles of Sangiovese-based wines. . .salut!

Of course, everyone thinks of Florence, Venice, Milan, Rome, etc. when planning a trip to Italy, but please note that it is important to consider Bologna for your Italy visit–this is food country. . .if you want to really gobble some goodness, then you will want to stop here at some point. . .yes indeedy-dee.

I send you delectable vibes from Bologna. . .feel them. . .they are the source of so much that is good to eat in Italy and beyond.

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It’s lovely out there.

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