Mopti, Mali Monday–

 DSCN0921 DSCN0925DSCN0920JAAA!  There is no better place to spend a Monday on planet Earth than Mopti, Mali on the edge of the Sahara Desert here in west Africa. . .c’est bon!!  Mopti is a rustic town on the banks of the Niger River, which you can see above.  Rivers are the life blood of so many people in Africa, and the Niger is definitely one of the most important ones.  So atmospheric and vital as I take in the life-giving vibes of this river and this town.  Mmmm. . .aaaaahh. . .I love Mopti, Mali, and you will too if you ever find yourself wandering around in this part of western Africa.

I send you ancient vibes from the banks of the Niger River. . .feel them. . .they are deep in the DNA of us all.

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It’s lovely out there.

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