Center of the Universe–

DSCN6679DSCN6698POW!  Here I am channeling good vibes at the Incan center of the universe otherwise known as a big stone called Intihuatana–The Hitching Post of the Sun.  This is one of the most powerful spots in the ruins of Machu Picchu. . .the Spaniards destroyed all of these stones when they found them in an effort to break the Incas out of their ‘primitive’ mythological beliefs–as if Christianity is any less primitive–funny.  The Spanish never found this hitching post, and it survives to this day.  Jaaaa!  I love the Intihuatana, and you will too if you ever find yourself wandering through the ruins of Machu Picchu.

I send you focused vibes from Peru. . .feel them. . .they are as valid as any other vibes the universe has to offer.

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It’s lovely out there.

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