Mt. Kilimanjaro–

sc00402352 sc00405104Here I am at Uhuru peak at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.  This point is 19,341 feet above sea level.  I have never been this high before–both physically and emotionally. . .it is absolutely glorious up here.  All around us we see Africa lying at our feet.  We can see Kenya, Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Zambia, etc.. . .all the countries around Tanzania.  And the glacier is impressive. . .this shot was taken exactly 15 years ago, and it looks nothing like this today, June 20, 2013.  Almost all gone as the Earth cycles into a warmer period.  Round and round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows. . .

Kilimanjaro means “great mountain.”  It is a great mountain.  I have gone to the mountain-top oh brothers and sisters, and I can confirm its greatness.  Feel the unbelievable vibes from the mountain-top. . .they are cleansing.

It’s lovely out there.

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