
photo 2 photo 3 photo 5BAM!  The south Indian food at a spot called Tiffin Wallah on East 28th Street in Manhattan is tasty and satisfying.  The superstar dish here is something called a “dosa.”  Dosas are giant crepe-like pancakes made from rice batter and black lentils.  They can be stuffed with various spiced veggies of your choice or you can simply eat the dosa by itself with some tasty dipping sauces on the side.  Whichever version you gobble you can be sure that dosas will be light, delicious, and fun-fun-fun to devour.  So, head on over to Tiffin Wallah and ingest two or three of these things like I did. . .I know you will love them. . .really, I do.

I send you exotic vibes from Tiffin Wallah. . .feel them. . .they have the power to transport you to the south of India. . .mmmm, aaaaahh!

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It’s lovely out there.

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