Fita knows meat–

IMG_5932IMG_5940 IMG_5941IMG_5928The Fiorentina Bistecca at Trattoria Fita is around four pounds. . .it is cooked over red-hot embers pulled from an open fire pit inside the restaurant. . .the meat is cooked to a delectable medium-rare. . .the meat is allowed to rest properly. . .the meat is sliced properly. . .the meat is served promptly. . .we gobble it all happily and voraciously. . .it is all washed down with a lovely Emilia-Romagna red. . .we drive home and nap contentedly. . .mmmm, aaaahh!

Trattoria Fita is located in a town called Borgo Tossignano about thirty kilometers south of Bologna. . .please find this place and eat here if you ever find yourself tooling around in these parts. . .you will be oh-so satisfied–I gar-ron-taaaay!!

I send you primal vibes from Fita. . .feel them. . .they will make you go “grrrrrrrr.”

To see more wonderful images from around planet Earth simply click on a location of your choice in the category menu on the ‘About’ page of this blog. . .do it. . .so much to see and soooo little time.

It’s lovely out there.

#1 Fiorentina Bistecca…Borgo Tossignano–

IMG_0013IMG_0018  IMG_0020IMG_5914Here it is. . .no need to look any further. . .this is THE number one Fiorentina Bistecca (Florentine Beef Steak) that we have ever had, period.  The place is called Trattoria Fita. . .’Fita’ was the nickname of the guy who who started cooking bisteccas here, and above you see his grandson, Riccardo, who now runs the restaurant with his mother.  Fita is located in a town called Borgo Tossignano which is about thirty kilometers south of Bologna.  If you love red meat. . .if you love beef steak. . .if you love meat cooked over red-hot embers, then you must come and gobble one of the slabs served up here. . .it is absolutely wonderful!

Riccardo brings out our slab of beef and weighs it for us. . .it is 3.69 pounds or just under two kilos, and it is three fingers thick.  Riccardo sparks up a fire in what is basically a small fireplace with extremely good ventilation.  He pulls out some red-hot embers, forms them into a pile, places a grill over this, and then slowly introduces our piece of meat to the heat–he does not just slap the meat on the grill. . .fascinating.  He moves the slab closer and closer until the meat seems to be ready for the full cooking experience, then BOOM! our meat goes on the grill.  It sizzles and cooks for about six or seven minutes. . .then he turns it over and cooks it for another six or seven minutes. . .then he does some charing of the edges. . .then the meat is removed from the heat and allowed to rest a bit.  Finally, he slices it and delivers it to us for consumption.  I gotta tell you, this may be my absolute favorite piece of meat that I have ever eaten. . .it tastes like meat cooked on a grill with glowing embers–that’s it.  It…tastes…like…meat. . .and that is it.  Pure, simple, delicious, glorious.  I wish you could eat here some time. . .this place will change your life.

I send you clarifying vibes from Trattoria Fita in Borgo Tossignano in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. . .feel them. . .they will take you higher.

To see more spectacular images from around our teeny-tiny planet simply click on a location of your choice in the category menu on the ‘About’ page of this blog. . .do it. . .the world is yours to explore right here, right NOW.

It’s lovely out there.

Fiorentina Bistecca…supremo!

IMG_5914 IMG_5932 IMG_5937 IMG_5941KAPOWY!  Here we are gobbling 3.69 pounds of goodness cooked over red-hot coals at a place called Trattoria Fita in a town called Borgo Tossignano about 16 kilometers away from Imola, Emilia-Romagna region, Italy.  This bit of char-grilled meat is a dish known as Fiorentina Bistecca, aka, Florentine Beefsteak, and it is absolutely wonderful. . .thick, juicy, clean, simple, delicious, and cooked to a super-delectable medium-rareness that brings out all of the meaty flavor that we want when eating beef. . .mmm, aaaahh!

I have had many things called Fiorentina Bistecca before, but this one is the first to really live up to what this dish is supposed to be according to my reading, experience, and exploration. . .never had a more perfect piece of meat in my life. . .please come to Trattoria Fita in Borgo Tossignana–it’s a bit of a trek. . .eat this meat. . .wash it down with some red wine. . .then you can die a contented soul.  Thank you, Riccardo. . .salut!

I send you glorious vibes from Trattoria Fita. . .feel them. . .they will make you big and strong.

To see more wonderful images from around our teeny-tiny planet simply click on a location of your choice in the category menu on the ‘About’ page of this blog. . .dive on in. . .so much to see and soooo little time.

It’s lovely out there.