Major drinking spot…Chicago–

Bourdain shot a whole episode of his show in and around this bar a couple of years ago…it’s the Old Town Ale House in the Old Town section of Chicago…let’s check it out and see what’s what.

The Old Town Ale House is owned and run by a dude called Bruce Elliott…he has a relatively famous blog online called ‘Geriatric Genius.’  Bruce writes about EVERYTHING on his blog…his thoughts on politics, people, Chicago, art, drinking, people, the state of the universe, etc.. . .it is well worth checking out…do it and let me know what you think, I’ll be sipping a whiskey at the end of the bar awaiting your thoughts.

Anthony Bourdain loved this bar and the owner, Bruce.  It’s easy to see why…this is a no b.s. place, it’s dark, it’s atmospheric, it’s inviting, somewhat imposing…fascinating with Bruce’s paintings lining the walls and lots of characters hanging at the bar with whom one can chat or not chat–totally up to you.  Sad that since Bourdain hung himself recently there are now paintings depicting the nastiness of Asia Argento, Bourdain’s supposed girlfriend and the suspected catalyst that drove him to do such a silly thing…ugh, nevertheless we sip away.

This a great bar for daytime drinking. . .sit inside here, sip away, look out the window at the famous Second City Theater across the street. . .you know that Belushi, Ackroyd, Radner, Murray, and so many others hung out here after shows at Second City. . .fun to let the imagination run wild thinking about all those fun people poppin’ in here.

Plus, Old Town in Chicago is a great neighborhood…lots of delicious restaurants, bars, cafes, shops, etc. that we can spend days and weeks exploring. . .I think we might just have to do this…or maybe we are doing it now…hmmm, sip, sip away…it’ll all come back to me at some point.

I could ramble on and on here, as you can see, but I won’t.  Please pop on into Old Town some time, hit the Ale House, sip on somethin’ soothing, and while away the minutes, hours, and days of life as time goes sailing by.

It’s lovely out there.