People ‘n’ stuff…NYC–

POW!  Back here in da big citaaaaay things are ever-evolving and ever-happening.

Jonathan Waxman is closing his famous restaurant, Barbuto, at the end of this month.  Another wonderful icon of delightful dining disappearing because of rent being raised and inability to strike a deal with the landlord.  Great, there will soon be space for another CVS…blaaaaahh!

Waxman is well-known as an early proponent of California-style Italian cuisine…his roasted/grilled chicken with salsa verde is legendary…Google him to learn more.  We are honored by the opportunity to pop into Barbuto one more time, sip some rose, and share our respect with this bad-ass chef.

He says we should not be sad that he is closing…he says that there will be a “reprieve” in another space just up the block…we sip our rose and do our best to believe him.  Let it be so. . .saluti!

Oh, and Pharrell is in town, too. . .over at the Parsons School of Design benefit.  He says, “say ‘yes’ to creativity!”  We concur. . .YES!

I send you invigorating vibes from Barbuto and Parsons and all of the streets of New York City. . .feel them. . .they will help you keep your mind open real wide…jaaaa!

It’s lovely out there.

Rose…tulips…cherry blossoms–

photo 3 photo 1 IMG_0550Spring is so much better than winter.  In spring we drink lots of rose. . .in spring we enjoy gorgeous tulips. . .in spring we get to run through blooming cherry trees. . .mmmm, aaaahh!  And on top of it all we get to do this in one of the world’s greatest cities: New York City. . .amazing.  I love spring in New York, and you will too if you ever find yourself wandering around in a place some call “the center of the universe.”

I send you delightful vibes from springtime NYC. . .feel them. . .they are full of mysterious powers.

To see more fun images from around planet Earth simply click on a location of your choice in the category menu on the ‘About’ page of this blog. . .do it. . .you can go just about anywhere that you like right here, right NOW.

It’s lovely out there.