Day 63…Top of Ha Noi–

IMG_1218 IMG_1216 IMG_1215POW!  On this evening our nomadic wanderings take us to the top of the Lotte Tower in Ha Noi.  This building was completed in September of 2014–it’s brand spankin’ new!. . .it is over 65 stories tall, it is full of offices, condos, bars, restaurants, and tons of shopping. . .PLUS, the bar at the top called the Sky Bar or The Top of Ha Noi provides some wonderfully spectacular views of the city.

Right now is wintertime in Ha Noi, and when the breeze kicks up it gets a bit bracing up here–nothing, however, that a good stiff whiskey and a delicious glass of red wine can’t cure. . .mmmm, aaaahh!  We love hanging out at The Top of Ha Noi, and you will, too, if you ever find yerself lookin’ for somethin’ really happenin’ to do while takin’ in the sights and sounds of the capital of Viet Nam: Ha Noi.

I send you invigorating vibes from Ha Noi. . .feel them. . .they will make you sit up straight and pay attention.

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It’s lovely out there.